Flora of Rwanda: Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 240 (Nyungwe Forest National Park)

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
AmaranthaceaeAchyranthes aspera Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
AmaranthaceaeAchyranthes aspera Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeAnisosepalum humbertii subsp. humbertii Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeAnisosepalum humbertii subsp. humbertii Igishigishigi Trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
AcanthaceaeAsystasia intrusa Nyungwe Forest National Park, KibuyeRecord
AcanthaceaeAsystasia intrusa Uwinka Visitor Cantre, Nyungwe National Park, Nyamasheke, IburengerazubaRecord
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Uwinka Visitor Centre, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Nyungwe Forest National ParkRecord
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Nyungwe Forest National ParkRecord
BegoniaceaeBegonia meyeri-johannis Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
BegoniaceaeBegonia pulcherrima Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeBidens pilosa Gisakera Reception Centre, Nyungwe National Park.Record
AsteraceaeBidens pilosa Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)
OxalidaceaeBiophytum helenae Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National park, RusiziRecord
OxalidaceaeBiophytum helenae Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
OxalidaceaeBiophytum helenae Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
OxalidaceaeBiophytum helenae Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
OxalidaceaeBiophytum helenae Nyungwe Forest National Park, RuzisiRecord
CampanulaceaeCanarina eminii Nyungwe National Park, RwandaRecord (with image)
OrchidaceaeChaseella pseudohydra Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeCrassocephalum vitellinum Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamagabeRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeCrassocephalum vitellinum Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamagabeRecord
OrchidaceaeCynorkis kassneriana Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)
OrchidaceaeEulophia horsfallii Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeGynura scandens Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeHylodesmum repandum Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeHylodesmum repandum Uwinka Visitor Centre, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeHylodesmum repandum Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeHylodesmum repandum Nyungwe Forest National Park, KarongiRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens bequaertii Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens bequaertii Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens bequaertii Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens bequaertii Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens burtonii Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens burtonii Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens burtonii Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens niamniamensis Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National ParkRecord (with image)
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens niamniamensis Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens niamniamensis Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens niamniamensis Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens niamniamensis Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
AcanthaceaeJusticia amanda subsp. amanda Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamagabeRecord (with image)
VitaceaeLeea guineensis Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)
CampanulaceaeLobelia minutula Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
CampanulaceaeLobelia petiolata Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
CampanulaceaeLobelia petiolata Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)
CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida CyamudongoRecord
CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida Kamiranzovu trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord
CampanulaceaeMonopsis stellarioides subsp. schimperiana Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamagabeRecord (with image)
CampanulaceaeMonopsis stellarioides subsp. schimperiana Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
CampanulaceaeMonopsis stellarioides subsp. schimperiana Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis corniculata Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis corniculata Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamagabeRecord
BalanophoraceaeThonningia sanguinea Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeThunbergia mildbraediana Nyungwe Forest National Park, NyamashekeRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeThunbergia vogeliana Cyamudongo Forest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, RusiziRecord (with image)

Number of records found: 62

Flora of Rwanda: Utilities: Location search results: Nyungwe Forest National Park.
https://www.rwandaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=240, retrieved 18 October 2024

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