Records made by Hiram Wild

Records: 51

The following is a list of the records made by Hiram Wild in species name order.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column

NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
48747 Adiantum capillus-veneris 17 Mar 1964 H Wild
H Wild 6420 SRGH
On rocks Dunraven Falls, Selukwe district 0 Zimbabwe 1930C1 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
48907 Adiantum poiretii 27 Feb 1964 H Wild
H Wild 6338 SRGH
Kloof forest floor Wedza Mountain 60 0 Zimbabwe 1831D1 C 1710

0.000000 0.000000 2
97744 Agauria salicifolia 9 Mar 1955 H Wild
AW Exell
FA Mendonça
H Wild AW Exell FA Mendonça 758 SRGH
Chingwe's Hole, Zomba Mt 203 0 Malawi 1535A4 S 1830

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 7 part 1: 160 (1983).

-15.333360 35.266670 6
49738 Amauropelta oppositiformis 20 Oct 1946 H Wild
H Wild 1471 SRGH
In shade by stream Pungwe Source, Inyanga 0 Zimbabwe 1832B4 E 1920

0.000000 0.000000 2
35893 Asplenium inaequilaterale 24 Oct 1947 H Wild
H Wild 2198 Forest floor Chirinda Forest 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
35958 Asplenium mannii 1 Feb 1955 H Wild
AW Exell
FA Mendonça
H Wild AW Exell FA Mendonça 49 SRGH
Epiphyte in forest with Cussonia, Podocarpus Mt. Engwa, Himalayas 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 VN75-58- E 1700

0.000000 0.000000 5
36323 Asplenium theciferum 1 Feb 1955 H Wild
AW Exell
FA Mendonça
H Wild AW Exell FA Mendonça 45 SRGH
Forest with Cussonia, Podocarpus Mt. Engwa, Himalayas 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 VN75-58- E 1700

0.000000 0.000000 5
73917 Brillantaisia cicatricosa 10 Oct 1950 H Wild
H Wild 3566 SRGH
In kloof forest Tarka Forest Reserve, Melsetter (Chimanimani) District. 0 Zimbabwe 1932D4 E 1000

6' erect; flowers deep blue

-19.966660 32.950010 5
52656 Christella gueinziana 9 Sep 1946 H Wild
H Wild 1220 SRGH
3' fronds by stream over granite rocks Twentydales 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
52609 Christella hispidula 25 Oct 1947 H Wild
H Wild 2188 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
On forest floor Chirinda 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
39908 Crepidomanes melanotrichum 2 Feb 1955 H Wild
AW Exell
FA Mendonça
H Wild AW Exell FA Mendonça 89 SRGH
Podocarpus-Ilex mitis forest, epiphyte Engwe, Mutare District 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 E 1980

0.000000 0.000000 2
30200 Cyathea dregei 16 Dec 1953 H Wild
H Wild 4420 SRGH
By stream Bikita, Old Bikita 0 Zimbabwe 2031B1 S 1300

0.000000 0.000000 0
30223 Cyathea manniana 22 Jul 1947 H Wild
H Wild 1976 SRGH
By stream Penhalonga, Zivane forest 0 Zimbabwe 1832D3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
30229 Cyathea manniana 18 Apr 1963 H Wild
H Wild 6108 SRGH
In forest Inyanga, Pungwe Gorge 0 Zimbabwe 1832B4 E 1220

0.000000 0.000000 0
53145 Deparia boryana 18 Apr 1963 H Wild
H Wild 6106 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Fern in streambed with 6 ft fronds Pungwe Gorge, Nyanga district 0 Zimbabwe 1832B4 E 1220

0.000000 0.000000 2
40271 Didymoglossum erosum 30 Mar 1964 H Wild
H Wild 6443 SRGH
On stones in stream Elephant forest (Bunga), Vumba 39,63,156 0 Zimbabwe 1932B2 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
35677 Disa hircicornis 22 Feb 1946 H Wild
H Wild 943 SRGH
Stapleford 0 Zimbabwe 1832D2 E 0

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 11 part 1: 180 (1995)

49400 Elaphoglossum acrostichoides 4 Nov 1955 H Wild
FA Mendonça
H Wild FA Mendonça 205 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Macaranga-Podocarpus-Rapanea-Cussonia forest. Epiphyte Banti forest 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 E 1830

0.000000 0.000000 2
49374 Eulophia guineensis 18 Nov 1953 H Wild
H Wild 4177 SRGH
Kanyanga tributary of the Msukwi (Msukwe) River, Hurungwe district. 0 Zimbabwe 1729A1 N 900

Cited in Flora Zambesiace Volume 11 part 2: 465 (2009)

49614 Habenaria malacophylla 27 Feb 1964 H Wild
H Wild 6353 SRGH
On forest floor in kloof forest Mt Wedza 60 0 Zimbabwe 1831D1 C 1676

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 11 part 1: 82 (1995)

49612 Habenaria malacophylla 5 Mar 1954 H Wild
H Wild 4533 SRGH
In forest Engwa, Himalaya Range 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 E 1829

22642 Huperzia gnidioides 16 Oct 1950 H Wild
H Wild 3613 SRGH
On sandstone rocks Mt. Peza 0 Zimbabwe 1933C3 WP00-16- E 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
40248 Hymenophyllum kuhnii 4 Feb 1955 H Wild
AW Exell
FA Mendonça
H Wild AW Exell FA Mendonça 206 SRGH
Macaranga-Podocarpus-Rapanea-Cussonia forest, filmy fern, epiphyte Banti forest 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 E 1830

0.000000 0.000000 2
97130 Ilex mitis var. mitis 11 Nov 1954 H Wild
H Wild 4636 SRGH
In forest Engwa, Himalayas 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 E 1980

30' tree. Greenish flowers

-19.400000 32.766670 5
68974 Kedrostis foetidissima 26 Feb 1960 H Wild
H Wild 5173 C Jeffrey SRGH
On rocky quartzite hill. Dikgomodikae Hill 0 Botswana 2424D3 SE 1150

Fruit red. Flowers yellow-green

-24.866667 24.616667 5
68970 Kedrostis foetidissima 21 Dec 1951 H Wild
H Wild 3730 SRGH
Climbing on tree Umshandige (Mushandike), Masvingo 0 Zimbabwe 2030B1 S 980

Flowers yelllow

-20.150000 30.633333 5
68968 Kedrostis foetidissima 29 Jan 1948 H Wild
H Wild 2390 C Jeffrey SRGH
In dense woodland Rupisi Hot Springs 0 Zimbabwe 2032A4 E 500

Yellow-flowered twiner

-20.356930 32.385800 6
68966 Kedrostis foetidissima 8 Jan 1952 H Wild
H Wild 3740 C Jeffrey SRGH
On a termite mound Prince Edward Dam, Harare. 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 1430

Flowers yellow; fruit pale green with longitudinal dark green ribs.

-17.979600 31.069700 6
68962 Kedrostis foetidissima 23 Dec 1952 H Wild
H Wild 3975 C Jeffrey SRGH
Climbing over granite rocks Umsengedzi River, Umvukwes, Darwin 0 Zimbabwe 1630D4 N 1300

Flowers yellow

-16.983333 30.983333 5
114352 Kedrostis leloja 1 Dec 1948 H Wild
H Wild 454 K
Cranborne, Harare 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

Flowers immature.

0.000000 0.000000 0
52867 Lepisorus excavatus 2 Feb 1955 H Wild
AW Exell
FA Mendonça
H Wild AW Exell FA Mendonça 98 SRGH
Podocarpus-Ilex mitis forest Engwa, Mutare district 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 E 1980

0.000000 0.000000 2
52787 Loxogramme abyssinica 27 Feb 1964 H Wild
H Wild 6336 SRGH
Epiphyte in kloof forest. Wedza Mountain 60 0 Zimbabwe 1831D1 C 1676

0.000000 0.000000 2
29126 Mellera lobulata 12 Oct 1950 H Wild
H Wild 3576 SRGH
By stream Foot of Mt Peza, Chimanimani Mts 0 Zimbabwe 1933C3 E 1070

4 ft perennial. Lower lip blue. Throat brownish, rest white.

0.000000 0.000000 0
29139 Mellera lobulata 24 Oct 1947 H Wild
H Wild 2194 SRGH
In forest Chirinda Forest 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

6 ft bush. Lower lip mauve and rest dingy yellow.

0.000000 0.000000 0
52696 Nephrolepis undulata 23 Nov 1949 H Wild
H Wild 3184 SRGH
Rain forest, in wetter parts Victoria falls 24 0 Zimbabwe 1725D4 W 0

Erect fronds

0.000000 0.000000 2
79518 Plantago palmata 9 Jul 1961 H Wild
H Wild 5512 SRGH
Along a stream in montane forest Eastern slopes of Mt Nyangani. 46,54,155 0 Zimbabwe 1832B4 E 1675

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 9 part 1: 11 (1988).

-18.300800 32.874800 5
52899 Pleopeltis macrocarpa 10 Dec 1953 H Wild
H Wild 4311 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Epiphyte on Brachystegia spiciformis Mt. Bukwa, Belingwe district 58 0 Zimbabwe 2030C2 S 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
36212 Polystachya cultriformis No date H Wild
H Wild 4534 SRGH
Mt Engwa, Himalaya Range, Umtali (Mutare) District 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 E 1830

Cited by Mytnik-Ejsmont (2011)

53254 Pteris catoptera 24 Oct 1947 H Wild
H Wild 2204 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
On forest floor. Chirinda 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
53305 Pteris cretica 18 Aug 1964 H Wild
H Wild 6423 SRGH
In forest, by stream. Dunraven Falls, Selukwe district. 0 Zimbabwe 1930C1 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
53142 Pyrrosia schimperiana 19 Sep 1947 H Wild
H Wild 2007 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Epiphyte on Chrysophyllum, argyrophyllum in riverine fringe Umwinsi R., Enterprise 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
41834 Selaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica 1 Feb 1955 H Wild
AW Exell
FA Mendonça
H Wild AW Exell FA Mendonça 69 SRGH
Woodland of stunted B. spiciformis grading into Brachystegia-Philippia woodland; on rocks, edge of stream Engwa 0 Zimbabwe 1932B4 VN75-58- E 1830

0.000000 0.000000 5
42066 Selaginella kraussiana 22 Jul 1947 H Wild
H Wild 1977 SRGH
Forest floor Ziwane forest, Penhalonga 0 Zimbabwe 1832D3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
42069 Selaginella kraussiana 10 Oct 1950 H Wild
H Wild 3563 SRGH
Forest floor Tarka forest reserve, Chimanimani 0 Zimbabwe 1932D4 VN95-93- E 1525

0.000000 0.000000 5
42089 Selaginella mittenii 19 Dec 1952 H Wild
H Wild 3959 SRGH
Shade of chrome rocks Ruorka Ranche, Umvukwe, Mazoe 0 Zimbabwe 1730B1 N 1525

0.000000 0.000000 2
42094 Selaginella mittenii 20 Mar 1963 H Wild
H Wild 6441 SRGH
On rocks Selukwe peak, Selukwe 0 Zimbabwe 1930C1 SP87-17- C 0

0.000000 0.000000 5
3485 Smilax anceps 10 Dec 1953 H Wild
H Wild 4326 SRGH
Climber in forest patch. Belingwe. Mt Buhwe. 58 0 Zimbabwe 2030C2 S 1220

0.000000 0.000000 0
3484 Smilax anceps 16 Dec 1953 H Wild
H Wild 4401 SRGH
In forest patch. Liane. Old Bikita. Danga. 0 Zimbabwe S 1310

0.000000 0.000000 0
48701 Tectaria gemmifera Dec 1964 TM Müller
H Wild
B Goldsmith
TM Müller H Wild B Goldsmith 6630 SRGH
Gemmiferous fern by stream Haroni-Makurupini forest 0 Zimbabwe 2031A1 E 400

0.000000 0.000000 2
126416 Tridactyle tricuspis 15 May 1948 H Wild
H Wild 2546 SRGH
Cleveland Dam, Harare 1,3 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

Flowers buff.

41489 Vittaria guineensis var. orientalis Mar 1949 H Wild
H Wild 2843 SRGH
Growing on rocks by stream in kloof forest Norseland, Vumba 63,156 0 Zimbabwe 1932B2 E 1520

Fronds pendulous, dark green.

0.000000 0.000000 2

Copyright: The Rwanda flora team, 2024-25

The Rwanda flora team (2025). Flora of Rwanda: Records made by Hiram Wild., retrieved 14 March 2025

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