Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 39 (Bunga Forest, Vumba)

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Family Name No Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
AphloiaceaeAphloia theiformis 8001616 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11454032.7647607
AspleniaceaeAsplenium aethiopicum 3519422 Dec 2003BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings
Shade in forestBunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11448032.7658806
AspleniaceaeAsplenium anisophyllum 3520013 Oct 1998BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Forest, deep shade Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E00.0000000.0000005
AspleniaceaeAsplenium anisophyllum 3522023 Jul 1976TM Müller
TM Müller

Forest floor in mixed evergreen forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755858E16000.0000000.0000006
AspleniaceaeAsplenium anisophyllum 3534431 Oct 2003BT Wursten
BT Wursten
On rock in forest, deep shade Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11448032.7658806
AspleniaceaeAsplenium anisophyllum 353455 Jul 2004P Ballings
P Ballings
On forest floor in deep shade Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 00.0000000.0000002
AspleniaceaeAsplenium boltonii 3529223 Jul 1976TM Müller
TM Müller

Forest floor in mixed evergreen forest Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755866E16450.0000000.0000006
AspleniaceaeAsplenium erectum 3563223 Jul 2000BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Deep shade, forest floor Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E00.0000000.0000005
AspleniaceaeAsplenium erectum 3564022 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen

Deep shade Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe2032B2 E00.0000000.0000002
AspleniaceaeAsplenium lobatum 3593214 Nov 1977TM Müller
TM Müller

Forest floor in mixed evergreen forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP750862E16300.0000000.0000006
AspleniaceaeAsplenium mannii 359447 May 2004P Ballings
P Ballings
Epiphyte in shade in mixed evergreen forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E00.0000000.0000005
AspleniaceaeAsplenium mannii 359496 Jan 1974PRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen
PRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen

Wet montane forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E17000.0000000.0000005
AspleniaceaeAsplenium mannii 3596325 Oct 2003BT Wursten
BT Wursten
Shade in forest Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1735-19.11443032.7669206
AspleniaceaeAsplenium preussii 361069 Jul 1981JE Burrows
JE Burrows

Terrestrial in shade on forest floor Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E16750.0000000.0000005
AspleniaceaeAsplenium rutifolium 361817 May 2004BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings
Epihyte in shade in forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11443032.7669006
AspleniaceaeAsplenium sandersonii 3622813 Oct 1998BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Epihyte in shade in forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E00.0000000.0000005
AspleniaceaeAsplenium sandersonii 362307 May 2004P Ballings
P Ballings
Epihyte in shade in forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
AspleniaceaeAsplenium sandersonii 362416 Jan 1974PRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen
PRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen

Humid montane forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000002
AspleniaceaeAsplenium simii 3629728 Dec 1956NC Chase
NC Chase

Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E16150.0000000.0000002
AraliaceaeAstropanax goetzenii 7999316 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1698-19.11477032.7630707
AraliaceaeAstropanax goetzenii 8001316 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1720-19.11424032.7658507
AraliaceaeAstropanax goetzenii 8002816 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11499032.7632607
BehniaceaeBehnia reticulata 94231 Oct 2003BT Wursten
Forest understoreyBunga Forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E16500.0000000.0000000
BlechnaceaeBlechnum attenuatum 3642331 Oct 2003BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings
On rocks in shade in forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
PoaceaeBromus catharticus 8003116 Nov 2013MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Grassy areaBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11493032.7626207
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeCarissa bispinosa subsp. zambesiensis 7999616 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11468032.7631807
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeCarissa bispinosa subsp. zambesiensis 8000416 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11456032.7634007
SalicaceaeCasearia battiscombei 8000316 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11462032.7632807
RhizophoraceaeCassipourea gummiflua var. verticillata 725018 Oct 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Evergreen forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755869E17200.0000000.0000000
RhizophoraceaeCassipourea malosana 7998316 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690-19.11495032.7626707
LamiaceaeClerodendrum cephalanthum subsp. swynnertonii 8003416 Nov 2013MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Forest edgeBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690Smelly leaves, opposite to subopposite; hard woody petioles-19.11506032.7627007
RubiaceaeCoffea ligustroides 8003516 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690Flowers white; leaves dark green, evergreen-19.11540032.7626607
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeCola greenwayi 7999516 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1698-19.11477032.7630707
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCraibia brevicaudata subsp. baptistarum 377118 Oct 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Montane forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755869E17200.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCraibia brevicaudata subsp. baptistarum 7998516 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690-19.11495032.7626707
HymenophyllaceaeCrepidomanes melanotrichum 3989522 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen

Small epiphytic fernBunga forest, Vumba Mountains39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E0Up to 1 inch0.0000000.0000002
IridaceaeCrocosmia aurea subsp. aurea 65214 Jan 2004BT Wursten
Roadside in forestVumba Rd in Bunga Forest.39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700 0
EuphorbiaceaeCroton sylvaticus 60614 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Forest speciesVumba rd in Bunga Forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
EuphorbiaceaeCroton sylvaticus 7998216 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690-19.11495032.7626707
EuphorbiaceaeCroton sylvaticus 8000216 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11462032.7632807
EuphorbiaceaeCroton sylvaticus 8000816 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11374032.7640107
AmaryllidaceaeCryptostephanus vansonii 35731 Oct 2003BT Wursten
On the forest floorBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E 0
CyatheaceaeCyathea manniana 760131 Oct 2003BT Wursten
Evergreen forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-87-E00.0000000.0000005
CyatheaceaeCyathea manniana 7602No dateBT Wursten
Evergreen forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E0.0000000.0000000
AmaranthaceaeCyathula cylindrica 29813 Aug 2003BT Wursten
Road side forest edge. semi shade.Vumba road in Bunga Forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
WoodsiaceaeDeparia boryana 531495 Aug 1955NC Chase
NC Chase

StreamsideElephant forest (Bunga), Vumba Mts.39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E16150.0000000.0000002
AcanthaceaeDicliptera extenta 4910710 Aug 1997MA Hyde
MA Hyde
I Darbyshire

Carpark, Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP752867E17000.0000000.0000006
AcanthaceaeDicliptera extenta 12269421 Aug 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Margin of montane forest.Bunga Forest Vumba Mts39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1730-19.11481032.7663006
DryopteridaceaeDidymochlaena truncatula 4260623 Jul 2000BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Deep shade, moist area under rocks, near waterfall Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum erosum 4027130 Mar 1964H Wild
H Wild

On stones in streamElephant forest (Bunga), Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum erosum 402735 Aug 1955NC Chase
NC Chase

On streamsideElephant forest (Bunga), Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
IridaceaeDietes iridioides 65330 Oct 2003BT Wursten
On the forest floor, common by forest paths.Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700Fairly common in the Bunga Forest. Most flowers were right on the path. These specimens are usually small because they get slashed when the path is cleared. It makes the flowers more conspicuous. 0
IridaceaeDietes iridioides 8003316 Nov 2013MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Grassy areaBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680 7
WoodsiaceaeDiplazium nemorale 5226323 Jul 2000BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Deep shade near stream in forestBunga forest, Vumba39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
WoodsiaceaeDiplazium nemorale 522649 May 2002BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Shady area in forest near stream.Bunga forest, Vumba39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
WoodsiaceaeDiplazium nemorale 5316420 Dec 1980JE Burrows
JE Burrows
JE Burrows

Terrestrial along deeply shaded streambank in forestBunga Forest, Vumba Mts.39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 VP756864E1650Fronds to 2m long, fertile fronds new, seasonal pattern0.0000000.0000006
OrchidaceaeDisperis virginalis 6511117 Jan 2004BT Wursten
TM Müller
BT Wursten
By small seepage stream in shaded understorey of forest.Bunga Forest, Vumba.39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1530 7
SalicaceaeDovyalis lucida 7999716 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11468032.7631807
SalicaceaeDovyalis lucida 8003716 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690-19.11584032.7629507
DracaenaceaeDracaena fragrans 55830 Oct 2003BT Wursten
Forest understoreyBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
DracaenaceaeDracaena fragrans 5593 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Forest understoreyBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
DracaenaceaeDracaena fragrans 8000116 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11462032.7632807
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris kilemensis 4262610 May 2002BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

In grass next to main road, shade, edge of evergreen forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP756868E00.0000000.0000005
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris kilemensis 598119 May 2002BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Shady area in forest near path, undisturbed area Bunga forest, Vumba39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-85-E00.0000000.0000005
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris manniana 426399 May 2002BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Shady area in evergreen forest near stream. Bunga forest, Vumba.39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E00.0000000.0000005
MeliaceaeEkebergia capensis 8002016 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11493032.7626207
LomariopsidaceaeElaphoglossum acrostichoides 40965 Dec 2003BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Up in tree next to main road in evergreen forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E00.0000000.0000005
LomariopsidaceaeElaphoglossum acrostichoides 409679 May 2002BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Epiphyte on tree in evergreen forest, shade , next to Vumba rd Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP756868E00.0000000.0000006
LomariopsidaceaeElaphoglossum acrostichoides 4953828 Dec 1956NC Chase
NC Chase
EACLE Schelpe

On tree boleElephant Forest (Bunga) Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E16150.0000000.0000002
LoranthaceaeEnglerina oedostemon 4118817 Dec 2003BT Wursten
BT Wursten
Margin of forest and grasslandEdge of Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1715-19.11667832.7559646
SapotaceaeEnglerophytum magalismontanum 8000016 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11462032.7632807
ErythroxylaceaeErythroxylum emarginatum 7999816 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11468032.7631807
ErythroxylaceaeErythroxylum emarginatum 8000916 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11353032.7641407
ErythroxylaceaeErythroxylum emarginatum 8002216 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11493032.7626207
ProteaceaeFaurea rubriflora 2857127 Jan 2004BT Wursten
Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
MoraceaeFicus capreifolia 8001016 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
In sunny forest clearingBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1705-19.11318032.7646407
MoraceaeFicus craterostoma 377418 Oct 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Montane forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755869E1720GR approx.0.0000000.0000000
MoraceaeFicus sur 8001916 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11491032.7636807
CelastraceaeHippocratea goetzei 9868716 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
BT Wursten
By road at edge of forestBunga Forest, Vumba 39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690Climber; flowers green-19.11494032.7634007
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeHylodesmum repandum 173114 Jan 2004BT Wursten
Forest edge shadeBunga Forest lay-by, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP750867E16900.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeHylodesmum repandum 8003016 Nov 2013MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Grassy areaBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11493032.7626207
HymenophyllaceaeHymenophyllum kuhnii 4022410 Jul 1980JE Burrows
JE Burrows
JE Burrows

Stream on slopes of Bunga forestVumba, Bunga forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1645Epiphytic, locally frequent0.0000000.0000002
HymenophyllaceaeHymenophyllum kuhnii 4023329 Jul 1948NC Chase
NC Chase

RoadsideElephant Forest (Bunga), Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
HymenophyllaceaeHymenophyllum kuhnii 4023822 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen

Epiphytic with Vittaria isoetifoliaBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1830(Altitude 1830m?)0.0000000.0000002
AcanthaceaeHypoestes forskaolii subsp. forskaolii 3044913 Aug 2003MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Roadside in forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700Eastern districts form0.0000000.0000000
DennstaedtiaceaeHypolepis sparsisora 2245123 Jul 1976TM Müller
TM Müller

Mixed evergreen forest, opening near streamVumba, Bunga forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755858E16000.0000000.0000000
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens cecilii subsp. cecilii 49630 Oct 2003BT Wursten
Shaded forest floorBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1660-19.11637032.7661706
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens cecilii subsp. cecilii 354681 Apr 2006BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings

Moist forest floor in deep shadeBunga Forest below "Forest Edge", Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1640-19.11378032.7696106
AchariaceaeKiggelaria africana 8001716 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11454032.7647607
CyperaceaeKyllinga squamulata 6523No dateBT Wursten
Grassy vergeVumba rd at Bunga Forest Lay-by39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E0.0000000.0000000
PolypodiaceaeLepisorus excavatus 4046717 Dec 2003BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings
Forest edge of evergreen forestBunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
PolypodiaceaeLepisorus excavatus 5285122 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen

Epiphytic or lithophytic fernBunga forest, Vumba Mountain39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E18300.0000000.0000002
PolypodiaceaeLoxogramme abyssinica 405557 May 2004BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings
Moss covered boulder in shade in evergreen forestBunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11593032.7648306
EuphorbiaceaeMacaranga mellifera 56597 Jan 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Forest edgeBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11558032.7610507
MyrsinaceaeMaesa lanceolata 116117 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Secondary forest margin.Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1715-19.11596032.7590106
CelastraceaeMaytenus chasei 377318 Oct 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Montane forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755869E1720GR approx.0.0000000.0000000
DryopteridaceaeMegalastrum lanuginosum 598039 May 2002BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Shaded area among rocks near stream in forest Vumba, Bunga forest 39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000002
GelsemiaceaeMostuea brunonis var. brunonis 67215 Jan 2004BT Wursten
Understorey shrub in montane forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
GelsemiaceaeMostuea brunonis var. brunonis 7999416 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1698-19.11477032.7630707
GelsemiaceaeMostuea brunonis var. brunonis 8003816 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690-19.11577032.7634907
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeNewtonia buchananii 8003616 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690Small tree; stalked gland on leaves; unusually high altitude-19.11548032.7627807
StilbaceaeNuxia congesta 8002116 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11493032.7626207
OchnaceaeOchna holstii 7999116 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1696-19.11479032.7629407
OleandraceaeOleandra distenta 245107 May 2004P Ballings
In tree next to road in shadeVumba, Bunga Forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP756868E0-19.11468032.7677006
OleandraceaeOleandra distenta 2452517 Jan 1982JE Burrows
JE Burrows

Epiphyte in old tree in forest on crest of hill next to main road, rareVumba , Bunga forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17100.0000000.0000002
OleandraceaeOleandra distenta 4253910 May 2002BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Epiphyte on tree , shade , next to Vumba rd Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP756868E0Images of this record were taken on 7-05-2004 (record id. No 24510 and 24511)0.0000000.0000006
RubiaceaeOxyanthus goetzei subsp. goetzei 377218 Oct 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Montane forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755869E1720GR approx.0.0000000.0000000
RubiaceaePavetta umtalensis 377518 Oct 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Montane forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP755869E1720Bacterial nodules.-19.11378032.7667506
RubiaceaePavetta umtalensis 7999016 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1696-19.11479032.7629407
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaePavonia columella 1241831 May 2004P Ballings
BT Wursten
Edge of evergreen forest. Bunga Forest, Vumba Mts39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1695iNaturalist record-19.11520032.7617106
ThymelaeaceaePeddiea africana 162622 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E0.0000000.0000000
ThymelaeaceaePeddiea africana 7999916 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11468032.7631807
PiperaceaePiper capense var. capense 122831 Oct 2003BT Wursten
Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E0.0000000.0000000
PolypodiaceaePleopeltis macrocarpa 5288829 Feb 1956NC Chase
NC Chase
AHG Alston

Epiphytic on tree bole 15ft from forest floorElephant Forest (Bunga), Vumba39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1650Fronds with minute peltate scales on surface & on underside0.0000000.0000002
ThelypteridaceaePneumatopteris unita 494891 May 2004BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings
Evergreen forest, shadeFern gully, Vumba39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1610-19.72187032.7750307
PodocarpaceaePodocarpus milanjianus 95830 Oct 2003BT Wursten
Montane forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E00.0000000.0000000
PodocarpaceaePodocarpus milanjianus 8000616 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11407032.7636807
HymenophyllaceaePolyphlebium borbonicum 3992024 Mar 2001BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Epiphytic, shade in evergreen forest Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP756868E00.0000000.0000006
HymenophyllaceaePolyphlebium borbonicum 3993810 Nov 1955NC Chase
NC Chase

At waterfallElephant forest (Bunga), Vumba Mts.39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E15840.0000000.0000002
AraliaceaePolyscias fulva 8001416 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1720-19.11443032.7659107
OrchidaceaePolystachya cultriformis 352217 Oct 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Epiphytic on treeBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700Just coming into flower 0
OrchidaceaePolystachya simplex 3622514 Dec 1975JS Ball
JS Ball


Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E0Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 11 part 2: 348 (1998) 2
DryopteridaceaePolystichum zambesiacum 4933622 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen
JP Roux

Deep shade, erect tufted ground fern.Bunga forest, Vumba Mountain.39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E18280.0000000.0000002
RosaceaePrunus africana 8001116 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
In sunny forest clearingBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1705-19.11318032.7646407
RubiaceaePsychotria zombamontana 7998916 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1695-19.11479032.7629207
PteridaceaePteris catoptera 4756024 Mar 2001BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Forest floor, light shade Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11583332.7638897
PteridaceaePteris catoptera 5326721 Dec 1975TM Müller
TM Müller

Mixed evergreen forest.Bunga Forest, Vumba Mts.39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 VP754873E17000.8 m tall fern0.0000000.0000006
AchariaceaeRawsonia lucida 7998816 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1695-19.11484032.7628707
LamiaceaeRotheca myricoides 87317 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Edge of forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
PolygonaceaeRumex sagittatus 7160No dateBT Wursten
Vumba rd at Bunga Forest.39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E0.0000000.0000000
SelaginellaceaeSelaginella kraussiana 4206213 Oct 1998BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Moist earthbanks in montane forest, shade Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-86-E00.0000000.0000005
SmilacaceaeSmilax anceps 7998616 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690-19.11495032.7626707
SolanaceaeSolanum aculeastrum var. aculeastrum 8001516 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1710-19.11449032.7653007
SolanaceaeSolanum aculeatissimum 2107127 Jan 2004BT Wursten
Roadside in forest.Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1725-19.11455032.7653906
SolanaceaeSolanum terminale 4117427 Jan 2004BT Wursten
BT Wursten
Margin of forestOld Forest Edge (near Bunga Forest), Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1682-19.11178332.7688227
GesneriaceaeStreptocarpus umtaliensis 62927 Jan 2004BT Wursten
Bunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17000.0000000.0000000
MyrtaceaeSyzygium guineense subsp. afromontanum 180321 Aug 2004BT Wursten
Forest treeBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17150.0000000.0000000
MyrtaceaeSyzygium guineense subsp. afromontanum 7998416 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1690-19.11495032.7626707
MyrtaceaeSyzygium guineense subsp. afromontanum 8000516 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11432032.7635707
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeTabernaemontana stapfiana 7998716 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1695-19.11484032.7628707
AcanthaceaeThunbergia usambarica 22814 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Roadside in the forestVumba Rd at Bunga Forest39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E17200.0000000.0000000
AcanthaceaeThunbergia usambarica 8002916 Nov 2013MA Hyde
MA Hyde
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11499032.7632607
SalicaceaeTrimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia 61817 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Edge of forestBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1715-19.11652032.7560306
UrticaceaeUrera hypselodendron 8002716 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
Forest edgeBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11510032.7625907
RutaceaeVepris nobilis 7999216 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1696-19.11479032.7629407
AsteraceaeVernonia wollastonii 8000716 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11399032.7637307
ViolaceaeViola abyssinica 8003216 Nov 2013MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Grassy areaBunga Forest car park39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1680-19.11493032.7626207
AdiantaceaeVittaria isoetifolia 4149924 Mar 2001BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
P Ballings

Epiphytic, light shade, in forestBunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP75-87-E00.0000000.0000005
AdiantaceaeVittaria isoetifolia 4157622 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen

Epiphyte on large tree 15 feet in heightBunga forest, Vumba Mountain39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E183015 to 18 inches high0.0000000.0000002
CampanulaceaeWahlenbergia madagascariensis 8001816 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
By roadBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1700-19.11491032.7636807
MonimiaceaeXymalos monospora 8001216 Nov 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
ForestBunga Forest39,630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1720-19.11424032.7658507

Number of records found: 151

Copyright: The Rwanda flora team, 2024-25

The Rwanda flora team (2025). Flora of Rwanda: Utilities: Location search results: Bunga Forest, Vumba.
https://www.rwandaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=39, retrieved 14 March 2025

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