Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 112 (Bangweulu Swamps- Makuku bridge)

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Family Name No Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
PoaceaeAcroceras macrum 807985 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing along the edge of a waterway in a dense mat of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeAcroceras macrum 807996 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island. Growing along edge of waterway in a dense tangled mass of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
AsteraceaeAdenostemma caffrum 808336 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamps on the south east side of the island.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Erect herb with white flowers; growing in 2 metres depth of water.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeAndropogon brazzae 8094310 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near Kabimbi Fishing Camp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. North east of Chibambo Lagoon. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with glaucous foliage and red tinged spikelets. The dominant flowering grass at this time.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeAndropogon perligulatus 8096211 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeBrachiaria arrecta 811375 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing in an open area along the edge of a waterway in densely matted vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeBrachiaria arrecta 8113810 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near Kabimbi Fishing Camp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. North east of Chibambo Lagoon. .1120Zambia N1062Slender perennial with bright yellow green succulent stems.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeBrachiaria arrecta 8113913 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Grass with rambling stems up to 2m long, rooting at the lower nodes; sheaths pubescent.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeBrachiaria dictyoneura 8115111 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Stoloniferous perennial.0.0000000.0000000
CabombaceaeBrasenia schreberi 8119714 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamps. Growing in waterways. Leaves flat, floating.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Small wine red flowers, underwater stems, petioles and pedicels covered with a sticky jelly.0.0000000.0000000
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeClappertonia ficifolia 8138611 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Small, many stemmed shrub 1.5metres high. Flowers mauve-pink. Occasional.0.0000000.0000000
CombretaceaeCombretum molle 814487 Oct 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan
On fixed sand hills, clothed with low woodland of Haplocoelum, Eugenia, Baphia etc. Fort Rosebery, picked up under tree. On fixed sand hills, clothed with low woodland of Haplocoelum, Eugenia, Baphia etc. by L. Bangweulu N. of Samfya Mission.1120Zambia1129B3 W0Small tree with broad flattened crown, up to about 10-15 ft. high. Bark grey, closely reticulate, young leaves golden-velvety above, brownish-grey-tomentose beneath. Infl. axis dull pale green. Upper receipt. purplish. Calyx tube dull green below, red-purple-tinged above. Petals reddish-yellow. Sta. fil. greenish-yellow, anthers pale yellow. Dead mature leaves.-11.35000029.5333334
ThymelaeaceaeCraterosiphon quarrei 8154723 Sep 1911TCE Fries
TCE Fries

Bangweulu (Bangweolo), Lake Mano.1120Zambia1129B3 W0-11.43333329.5500005
ThelypteridaceaeCyclosorus interruptus 817408 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Thalia, sedge and fern swamp behind papyrus and PhragmitesLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km west of the north end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Rhizomatous fern with fronds up to 1m long.0.0000000.0000000
ThelypteridaceaeCyclosorus striatus 817419 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing on the edge of the lagoon in a dense tangled mass of papyrus, Phragmites and climbing plants.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, south side. 1120Zambia N1062Fern with fronds 70-100cm long on stems 1-1.5m long.0.0000000.0000000
OrobanchaceaeCycnium tubulosum 817429 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Perennial herb with slender stems and large pink flowers.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeCyperus digitatus subsp. auricomus 817636 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island. Growing dominant over large areas of swamps.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N1062Robust tall grass with ascending culms 2cm in diameter and 4 metres high.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeCyperus haspan 817658 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps west of the northern end of Ncheta Island.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeCyperus papyrus 817766 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island. Growing along the edge of waterways.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N1062Very common in some areas; lining the waterways. Used by the local people for fuel (roots), construction, sleeping mats and screens (stems).0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeDigitaria abyssinica 818565 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing along the edge of a waterway, in a dense mat of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
EbenaceaeDiospyros batocana 8190921 Aug 1952A Angus
A Angus
F White
Fort Rosebery.1120Zambia1129B3 W0Tree 5-7 m high with dense, rounded crown. Bark dark blackish brown, rough, deeply longitudinally fissured but not exfoliating. Leaves dark green. Whole tree from distance has a dark appearance. Fruits (unripe) green, covered with brown tomentum which rubs off easily.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeEchinochloa pyramidalis 820595 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing along the edge of a waterway in deeply matted vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Very robust grass with solid culms 4 metres long and 2 centimetres in diameter at the base, geniculately ascending and rooting at the lower nodes.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeEchinochloa pyramidalis 820606 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island; growing along edge of waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N1062Robust tall grass with ascending culms 2cm in diameter and 4 metres high.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeEchinochloa pyramidalis 8206114 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeEchinochloa stagnina 820686 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamps at south west end of the island. Growing in 2 metres depth of water.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island. 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Inflorescence purple tinged or white.0.0000000.0000000
MeliaceaeEkebergia capensis 8207522 Aug 1952F White
F White
F White
Growing in relict patch of sacred, evergreen forest on laterite cliffs fringing Lake.Fort Rosebery District; near Samfya Mission, L. Bangweulu.1120Zambia1129B3 W0Tree 13m high, 0.7m dbh. Bole slightly buttressed at base, fluted to 2m. Crown irregular in shape, branchlets pendulous-11.35000029.5333334
MeliaceaeEkebergia capensis 820799 Oct 1947JPM Brenan
JPM Brenan
NKB Robson
On rocky slope by shore of L. BangweuluFort Rosebery District; on rocky slope by shore of L. Bangweolo in the Rest House Garden by Samfya Mission1120Zambia1129B3 W0-11.35000029.5333334
CyperaceaeEleocharis acutangula 8209311 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps between Ncheta Island and Chibambo Lagoon1120Zambia N1062Growing in 1m of water. Stems triangular.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeEleocharis dulcis 820946 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island. Growing along edge of waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeEleocharis dulcis 8209514 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Stems soft, circular.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeEleocharis variegata 820966 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island. Growing along edge of waterway in water 10-200cm deep.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N1062Stems solitary, round.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeEleocharis variegata 8209714 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeEntolasia imbricata 821267 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland at the south west end of the island.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with pale green stems and foliage. Racemes appressed to the axis.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeEragrostis capensis 8213411 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
AsteraceaeEthulia rhizomata 8220713 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Erect herb with terminal clusters of pale lilac flowers.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeEulalia aurea 8222713 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Stoloniferous perennial with rufous hairy racemes.0.0000000.0000000
MoraceaeFicus exasperata 822958 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing with Thalia, sedges and ferns behind the Papyrus/Phragmites fringe of the waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km west of the north end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Woody shrub up to 100cm high. Fruits 1cm in diameter, green tinged with pink.0.0000000.0000000
MoraceaeFicus verruculosa 823258 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing beside waterway with papyrus and Phragmites.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km West of the North end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Woody shrub with ascending stems, extending out into the water. Occasionally occuring.0.0000000.0000000
LentibulariaceaeGenlisea glandulosissima 82364No dateTCE Fries
TCE Fries
Nsombo, Lake Bangweulu1120Zambia1029D4 N0-10.81666729.9500005
AcanthaceaeHygrophila hippuroides 825369 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia1130C1 N1062Perennial herb with erect unbranched stems from a fleshy rhizome. Flowers white.-11.73333330.1666675
PoaceaeHyparrhenia gazensis 8254813 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with glaucous foliage.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeHyparrhenia pilgeriana 8255011 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeHyparrhenia pilgeriana 825537 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland at the south west end of the island.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe island, 10 km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with stems up to 1.5m high.0.0000000.0000000
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea rubens 826537 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamps north of the island, in the Chambeshi river system.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10 km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Climber on vegetation beside waterway; common.0.0000000.0000000
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeLandolphia kirkii 11685528 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman
Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 1120Zambia1129B3 N1176Growing on various reaches of sand dunes with signs of regularly being burnt back -11.34864729.5601576
IridaceaeLapeirousia caudata 1168853 Jan 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman


Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 1120Zambia1129B3 N1185Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Trachyandra arvensis 6
PoaceaeLeersia hexandra 827535 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Papyrus swamp with Phragmites near northern end of Ncheta Island. Growing along the edge of the waterway in a deep mat of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeLeersia hexandra 827546 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island; growing along edge of waterway in a tangled mass of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeLeersia hexandra 827558 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps west of the north end of Ncheta Island.1120Zambia N1062Spikelets tinged red when fresh.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeLeersia hexandra 8275610 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near Kabimbi Fishing Camp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. North east of Chibambo Lagoon. 1120Zambia N1062Slender grass with red tinged spikelets.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeLeersia hexandra 8275714 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps south of Chafye Island.1120Zambia N1062Slender grass with scabrid sheaths and pubescent nodes.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeLeersia hexandra 8275814 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps south of Chafye Island.1120Zambia N1062Slender grass with smooth stems.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeLeersia hexandra 827596 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamp at south west end of the island. Growing in 2 metres depth of water.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeLeersia oncothrix 827617 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland at the south west end of the island.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island. 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial. Inflorescence lax, with spreading branches.0.0000000.0000000
AlismataceaeLimnophyton angolense 8278915 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps east of Ncheta Island.1120Zambia N1062Perennial herb with saggitate leaves. Inflorescence branched or an unbranched spike, flowers white, whorled. Abundant to dominant beside waterways and in deep water swamp.0.0000000.0000000
OnagraceaeLudwigia leptocarpa 828258 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing on the margin of a waterway with papyrus and Phragmites.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km west of the north end of Ncheta Island.1120Zambia N1062Occasionally occuring robust herb with decumbent branching stems up to 100cm long and yellow flowers.0.0000000.0000000
MelastomataceaeMelastomastrum segregatum 828766 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamp at south west end of island, growing in 1 metre of water.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Branching shrub 50cm high above water level. Flowers magenta.0.0000000.0000000
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeMelochia corchorifolia 828905 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamp. Chambeshi river system. Growing with small shrubs and herbs beside waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Perennial herb with small pink-lilac flowers.0.0000000.0000000
AsteraceaeMikania sagittifera 829168 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Climber on papyrus beside waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km west of the north end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Flowers white.0.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeNewtonia buchananii 8301227 Aug 1952A Angus
A Angus
In 'sacred mushitu' near shore Fort Rosebery: In 'sacred mushitu' near shore of L. Bangweulu at Samfya, L. Bangweulu. Found with Trichilia emetica, Conopharyngia angolensis etc.1120Zambia1129B3 W0Large tree 70 ft high, with bole 3-4 ft d.b.h. Bark smooth bluish-grey with pale brown (on branches) or rusty brown (on trunk) lenticels bark thin 1/2 cm thilck, resinous. Said to be a sacred tree. Fruits collected from ground.-11.35000029.5500004
AsteraceaeNidorella welwitschii 815119 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Perennial herb with slender erect unbranched stems bearing terminal clusters of yellow flowers.0.0000000.0000000
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides brevipedicellata 8301714 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamps. Water lily growing in waterways and open water of swamps.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Leaves floating, flat, each bearing a cluster of flowers, only one of which is open. Petals 5, yellow, ciliate fringed. Growing in 1 metre depth of water.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeOryza longistaminata 830876 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamps to the east of Ncheta Island. Sparse sedge and lily swamp. Growing in 1 metre of water.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part.1120Zambia N1062Perennial grass rooted on the bottom; culms erect, awns red.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeOxycaryum cubense 8310711 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps between Ncheta Island and Chibambo Lagoon.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum funaense 831256 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp with scattered termite mounds southe of Ncheta Island; growing along edge of waterway in water 10-200cm deep.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum funaense 8312610 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near Kabimbi Fishing Camp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. North east of Chibambo Lagoon. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with succulent stems and white or red tinged spikelets.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum parvifolium 831496 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island; growing along edge of waterway in water 10-200cm deep.Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N00.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum pole-evansii 831525 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing in open area along edge of waterway, in a dense mat of vegetation.Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum pole-evansii 8315310 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near Kabimbi Fishing Camp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. North east of Chibambo Lagoon. 1120Zambia N1062Creeping annual, common.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum pole-evansii 8315413 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum pole-evansii 8315513 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Perennial grass with slender rambling stems from a thin rhizome.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePanicum repens 831595 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Papyrus swamp with Phragmites near northern end of Ncheta Island. Growing along the edge of the waterway in a deep mat of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
ChrysobalanaceaeParinari capensis subsp. capensis 10181511 Feb 2018N Wightman
I Kabinda
N Ngoma
N Wightman
Road verge in gravel soil Bangweulu Wetlands, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 1120Zambia1229B2 N1167-12.08826229.7517126
PoaceaePaspalidium geminatum 831706 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale.1120Zambia N1062Erect grass growing in 2 metres of water. Stems soft, inflated.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePaspalum scrobiculatum 831735 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Papyrus swamp with Phragmites near northern end of Ncheta Island. Growing along the edge of the waterway in a deep mat of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePaspalum scrobiculatum 831748 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Thalia sedge and fern swamp behind the papyrus and Phragmites fringing the waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km west of the north end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePaspalum scrobiculatum 8317510 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near Kabimbi Fishing Camp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. North east of Chibambo Lagoon. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with succulent stems, yellow green leaves and grey or red tinged spikelets.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePhacelurus gabonensis 832397 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland at the south west end of the island.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Robust tufted perennial with stems up to 2.5 metres high. Foliage pale yellow green.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaePhragmites mauritianus 8325315 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps east of Ncheta Island.1120Zambia N1062Tall reed-like grass up to 4 metres high, with woody perennial stems which become branched after the first season. Dominant or co-dominant with Papyrus along waterways and beside lagoons.0.0000000.0000000
LamiaceaePycnostachys coerulea 834098 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Beside waterway with papyrus.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km west of the north end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Occasionally occuring large annual herb up to 150cm high. Stems upright and soft, flowers blue.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeRhynchospora corymbosa 8346214 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Open areas of lagoons and sedge swamp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps south of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeRhynchospora holoschoenoides 8346514 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeRhytachne rottboellioides 8347211 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeRhytachne subgibbosa 8347311 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with pale green racemes.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeRottboellia purpurascens 835016 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamp at south est end of the island.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Erect perennial grass with wiry, yellow green stems; racemes 10-15cm long; stigmas purple or white. Growing in 2 metres depth of water.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis africana 835176 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Swamps south of the island in the Chambeshi river system.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Grass with swollen, red coloured stems and sheaths; rooting at the lower nodes. Foliage deep green; spikelets bright yellow green.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis chevalieri 835209 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with filiform leaf-blades.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis interrupta 835225 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing in a open area along the edge of a waterway.Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Culms yellow green, spongy, purple at the base. Spikelets yellow green0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis interrupta 835236 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Sedge and grass swamp south of Ncheta Island. Growing along edge of waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis typhura 835385 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Papyrus swamp with Phragmites near northern end of Ncheta Island. Growing along the edge of the waterway in a deep mat of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis typhura 835395 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing along the edge of a lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near the northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Aquatic grass with erect culms; rooting in 50 cm of water.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis typhura 835405 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing along the edge of a waterway in a dense mat of vegetation.Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Grass with tall culms bearing spicate inflorescences with purple spikelets.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis typhura 835418 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Thalia, sedge and fern swamp behind the papyrus and Phragmites fringing the waterway.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km west of the north end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis typhura 8354210 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing in water 1 metre deep.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps north east of Chibambo lagoon. Forming large colonies in water 1 metre deep.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSacciolepis typhura 8354310 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps north east of Chibambo lagoon. Forming large colonies in water 1 metre deep.1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSetaria sphacelata 836735 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing along the edge of a waterway, in a dense mat of vegetation.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
RubiaceaeSpermacoce bangweolensis 11700328 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman
Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 1120Zambia1129B3 N1170Growing on lower slope of sand dune nearer waterline -11.34885629.5608006
RubiaceaeSpermacoce quadrisulcata 837109 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on the north side of the lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon. SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Slender unbranched scrambling stems with tiny white flowers in clusters in the axils of the leaves.0.0000000.0000000
RubiaceaeSpermacoce quadrisulcata 8371113 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Herb with erect or rambling stems and clusters of tiny white flowers in the axils of the leaves.0.0000000.0000000
AnnonaceaeSphaerocoryne gracilis subsp. engleriana 8372428 Aug 1952A Angus
A Angus
RE Gereau

Near shore of Lake BangweuluFort Rosebery District; near shore of Lake Bangweulu at Samfya Mission.1120Zambia1129B3 W0In dry, evergreen forest. Woody climber, climbing by means of coiled branchlets. Calyx greenish yellos; petals yellow.-11.35000029.5333334
AnnonaceaeSphaerocoryne gracilis subsp. engleriana 8372821 Aug 1952J White
Fort Rosebery, Samfya Mission, L. Bangweulu.1120Zambia1129B3 W0-11.35000029.5333334
PoaceaeSporobolus pyramidalis 8374613 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland with scattered groups of large termite moundsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chishi Ngombe, south of Chafye Island. 1120Zambia N1062Tough tufted perennial with erect wiry stems; panicle branches appressed.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeSporobolus subtilis 8375111 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on the north side of the lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon. SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N10620.0000000.0000000
BignoniaceaeStereospermum kunthianum 8376723 Aug 1952A Angus
A Angus
F White
A Angus
In chipya vegetationWestern Province. District Fort Rosebery. Growing in chipya vegetation near Samfya Mission, Lake Bangweulu.1120Zambia 0Tree 8 m high, 20 cm dbh. Crown sparse, open. Barkvery smooth, pale grey, 1 cm thck. Slash with concentric rings-brown then green; IB white, somewhat granular. Flowers pale pink, the 3 anterior lobes each with a purple band running longutudinally in region of throat.0.0000000.0000000
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeTacazzea apiculata 838526 Mar 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near the south west part of the island.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Mboyalubambe Island, 10km south of Lake Chale. 1120Zambia N1062Perennial herb with climbing stems and greenish cream flowers.0.0000000.0000000
PoaceaeThemeda triandra 8395710 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland near Kabimbi Fishing Camp.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. North east of Chibambo Lagoon. 1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with yellow stems and glaucous spikelets.0.0000000.0000000
AsphodelaceaeTrachyandra arvensis 11700428 Feb 2022N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman


Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 1120Zambia1129B3 N1185Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Lapeirousia caudata 6
TyphaceaeTypha domingensis 8407914 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps south of Chafye Island.1120Zambia N1062Tufted perennial with erect strap like leaves up to 3 metres long. Dominant along waterways in limited areas.0.0000000.0000000
LentibulariaceaeUtricularia stellaris 840958 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
SwampsLuapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps west of the north end of Ncheta Island. Waterway with Nymphaea and Eleocharis.1120Zambia N1062Floating aquatic with yellow flowers.0.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeVigna luteola 841469 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island.1120Zambia N1062Climber on Papyrus and Phragmites at the southern edge of the lagoon. Flowers pale yellow.0.0000000.0000000
LamiaceaeVitex doniana 8417411 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Flooded grassland on north side of lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Chibambo Lagoon, SW of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia1129B2 N1062Tree 4 metres high, with a spreading crown. Flowers white; fruits immature, green.-11.16666729.7500005
PoaceaeVossia cuspidata 841835 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Growing on the margins of an open lagoon.Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps near the northern end of Ncheta Island. 1120Zambia N1062Aquatic grass with floating culms containing a spongy pith; the upper part of the culm becoming upright.0.0000000.0000000
CucurbitaceaeZehneria minutiflora 842308 Feb 1996SA Renvoize
SA Renvoize
Luapula District; Lake Bangweulu, southern part. Swamps 7km West of the North end of Ncheta Island.1120Zambia N1062Climber on Papyrus growing beside waterway. Flowers white.0.0000000.0000000

Number of records found: 113

Copyright: The Rwanda flora team, 2024-25

The Rwanda flora team (2025). Flora of Rwanda: Utilities: Location search results: Bangweulu Swamps- Makuku bridge.
https://www.rwandaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=112, retrieved 12 March 2025

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