Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 100 (Kafue National Park Zambia)

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Family Name No Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia isenbergiana 5298717 Oct 2004MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Kew Staff

River Bank.Kafue National Park, Kafue River, Kafwala Camp.1000Zambia1428C3 C1090Bark smooth, pale. Stamens pink basally. A single sapling and a few seedlings or root suckers nearby-14.80000028.1833306
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeArgyrolobium tomentosum 8102011 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
B Mackinder

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Herb; prostrate. Plant densely hairy with white and golden hairs. Calyx green. Standard white with green midvein and pink blush on petals. Wings white to pink with yellow apex. Keel greenish-white. In sandy soils, disturbed areas.0.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeBaphia multiflora subsp. bangweolensis 11799410 Aug 2022J Francis
J Francis
Mutendele Bush Camp, Kafue National Park1000Zambia1426B3 S1124-14.45385026.6800837
ConvolvulaceaeBonamia spectabilis 11798710 Aug 2022J Francis
J Francis
Mutendele Bush Camp, Kafue National Park1000Zambia1426B3 S1124Flowers blue.-14.45385026.6800837
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBurkea africana 8122411 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
B Mackinder

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Tree; 5 m x 15 cm DBH. Bark dark grey-brown, rough. Stems with velvety rust-red pubescence at shoot tips. Leaves blue-green glaucous above, rachis yellow-green. Young fruits flattened, pale green with rufous hairs, especially along margins.0.0000000.0000000
VitaceaeCayratia gracilis 8125811 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
B Verdcourt

In miombo woodland and adjacent riverine community. Disturbed by human habitation. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 65 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1080Vine; climbing in vegetation. Flowers pale green, anthers yellow, "collar" green-yellow. Young fruits smooth, shiny, green. Common along river.0.0000000.0000000
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum colubrinum 8133811 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
CS Bjora
In miombo woodland with Gleysol soils, rocky and well-drained slopes and adjacent uplift areas. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 30 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia1626C2 S1240Herb, 1.0 m, erect from fleshy bulb. Leaves grey-green. Leaves on fruiting rachis swollen at attachment and rust-brown. Young fruits green.-16.73583326.2913895
PoaceaeChrysopogon nigritanus 8136314 May 2013 Pasquet
EA Kellogg
Kafue National Park.1000Zambia1425D4 C1095-14.96416725.7919445
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCrotalaria alexandri 8159911 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
RM Polhill

In miombo woodland with Gleysol soils, rocky and well-drained slopes and adjacent uplift areas. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 30 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia1626C2 S1240Herb; 20 cm, erect. Plant softly pubescent with white hairs. Standard yellow, red-brown at apex. Wings yellow with red-brown spots. Keel greenish-yellow with red spots. Common in rocky soils, open areas.-16.73583326.2913895
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCrotalaria cephalotes 8161411 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
RM Polhill

In miombo woodland with Gleysol soils, rocky and well-drained slopes and adjacent uplift areas. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 30 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia1626C2 S1240Herb; 20 cm, erect. Plant softly pubescent. Standard yellow with orange-red semicircle stripe. Keel and wings yellow, slight blush of dull orange at apex. Common in rocky soils.-16.73583326.2913895
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeCryptolepis oblongifolia 8170511 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
WD Stevens

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Shrub; branches trailing along ground. Plant with white latex. Stems tan, smooth. Leaves thick, waxy, whitish-green below. Fruits greenish-white blushed with purple, paired. Calyx green-purple.0.0000000.0000000
CyperaceaeCyperus digitatus subsp. auricomus 907227 Dec 1960BL Mitchell
BL Mitchell

Namwala District, Kafue National Park, Nkala1000Zambia S00.0000000.0000000
DioscoreaceaeDioscorea dumetorum 8189311 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
P Wilkin

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Vine; climbing in vegetation. Leaves dark green above, whitish below. Young fruits pale green, with white hairs.0.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDolichos trinervatus 8201311 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
B Mackinder

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Herb; 1.5 m, erect. Stems yellow-green. Leaves with prominent white veins on underside. Young fruits pale green, pubescent on hillside, grassy area, occasional.0.0000000.0000000
IridaceaeGladiolus gregarius 8238111 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
P Goldblatt

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Herb; 70 cm, erect from fibrous bulb. Leaves grey-green. Fruiting bracts papery, white to tan. Young fruits pale green. In rocks, protected areas. 0
OrchidaceaeHabenaria sochensis 8244711 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
PJ Cribb

In miombo woodland and adjacent riverine community. Disturbed by human habitation. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 65 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1080Terrestrial herb; 1.5 m, erect. Flowers white with green phlanges. Rostellum dirty yellow-brown. Pollinia pale yellow. Protruding processes green, shiny. In grassy areas. 0
AsteraceaeHirpicium gracile 8251511 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
HJ Beentje

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Herb; 40 cm, erect. Leaves white below. Phyllaries green, cobwebby pubescent at base. Ligules and disk flowers bright yellow. On grassy hillside.0.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeJulbernardia paniculata 493004 Nov 2012MG Bingham
Kafue National Park East boundary1000Zambia1426D1 S1127-14.52277726.6063896
CapparaceaeMaerua friesii 11799010 Aug 2022J Francis
J Francis
Mutendele Bush Camp, Kafue National Park1000Zambia1426B3 S1124In flower.-14.45385026.6800837
PhyllanthaceaePhyllanthus pentandrus 8327111 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
G McPherson

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Herb; 40 cm erect. Plant without milky sap. Stems reddish-green. Leaves white below. Flowers whitish-pink, anthers yellow. Young fruits green with purple blush. Calyx papery. Occasional in rocks.0.0000000.0000000
CombretaceaePteleopsis anisoptera 8339311 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
CCH Jongkind

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Tree; 4.0 m x 15 cm DBH. Bark steel grey, smooth. Leaves pale green. Fruits straw-yellow with reddish spots, possibly fungus infection. Common.0.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeRhynchosia totta var. fenchelii 8345911 Mar 1997DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
DK Harder
B Luwiika
HH Schmidt
NB Zimba
B Mackinder

In miombo woodland with Gleysol soils, rocky and well-drained slopes and adjacent uplift areas. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 30 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia1626C2 S1240Herb; trailing stems prostrate with apices slightly erect. Plant with golden hairs. Standard and wings yellow with green veins. Keel greenish-white. Young fruits green, pubescent. Common in woodland.-16.73583326.2913895
AcanthaceaeRuspolia seticalyx 8350511 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
KB Vollesen

In miombo woodland and adjacent riverine community. Disturbed by human habitation. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 65 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1080Herb; 70 cm, erect from woody base. Leaves pale below. Calyx green. Corolla dull pink-orange with dark red spot on lower lobe. Anthers dark purple. In grassy areas, shaded, under trees.0.0000000.0000000
BignoniaceaeStereospermum kunthianum 8377021 Jul 1960M Gillhen
Kafue National Game Park. 47 miles S Kafue.1000Zambia 00.0000000.0000000
AsteraceaeVernonia anthelmintica 8411711 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
HJ Beentje

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Herb, 85 cm, erect. Plant with short stiff white hairs. Phyllaries pale green. Flowering bracts dull purple-pink, green at tips. Disk flowers purple. In open, cut over areas.0.0000000.0000000
AsteraceaeVernonia bellinghamii 8411911 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
HJ Beentje

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Shrub, 1.5 m erect from single stem. Bark grey-brown. Leaves white below. Phyllaries green, brown at apex. Disk flowers dirty white, bristles cream. Common among larger rocks.0.0000000.0000000
AsteraceaeVernonia melleri var. superba 8412511 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
HJ Beentje

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Herb; 50 cm, erect from woody root. Plant rough hairy, sandpapery. Phyllaries greenish-white. Disk flowers pale turquoise blue, showy. On rocky roadcut.0.0000000.0000000
AsteraceaeVernonia purpurea 8413511 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
GV Pope

In miombo woodland and adjacent riverine community. Disturbed by human habitation. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 65 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1080Herb; 2.0 m trailing along ground. Plant rough hairy. Phyllaries green with tan cobwebby pubescence. Disk flowers dull purple. Uncommon.0.0000000.0000000
SantalaceaeViscum combreticola 8416711 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
RE Gereau

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Parasite; growing on Diplorhynchus. Stems green, flattened. Flowers dull yellow. Fruits dull red-orange.0.0000000.0000000
RutaceaeZanthoxylum trijugum 8422811 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
RE Gereau

In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000Zambia S1200Lianescent shrub; thicket-forming. Stems pale grey, thorns dark brown-black. Fruits yellow to dull red with conspicuous gland dots; splitting open longitudinally.0.0000000.0000000

Number of records found: 30

Copyright: , 2024-25

(2025). Flora of Rwanda: Utilities: Location search results: Kafue National Park Zambia.
https://www.rwandaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=100, retrieved 23 February 2025

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