Records made by Valdemar Fijamo

Records: 6

The following is a list of the records made by Valdemar Fijamo in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
73662Eulophia cucullata14 Nov 2015J Timberlake
I Darbyshire
A Banze
VR Fijamo
I Darbyshire 907 PJ Cribb K
Seasonally wet open grassland with sandy-peaty soils, some areas now dried out and with more sandy soil; scattered small trees and bushes of Maprounea africana, Aeschynomene, Dissotis and Eriosema; and small patches of swamp forest.Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Wandowani, west of Comeni's compound.440Mozambique1933C3 MS340

Terrestrial orchid to c. 30 cm tall, largely leafless; swollen white rootstock. Tepals pink, short rounded spur yellowish, throat white with mauve speckling, labellum with brownish central area.

74032Microsorum scolopendria06 Nov 2015J Timberlake
A Banze
VR Fijamo
JA Massunde
JA Massunde JM144 A Grall K
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescensFloresta Mahate, no rio Mudzira rodeado de mutas rochas grande440Mozambique1933C1MS673

73665Psorospermum febrifugum14 Nov 2015J Timberlake
I Darbyshire
A Banze
VR Fijamo
I Darbyshire 910 I Darbyshire K
Transition from riverine woodland to open seasonally wet grassland.Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Wandowani, west of Comeni's compound.440Mozambique1933C3MS340

Shrub to 3 m tall. Petals cream-coloured, woolly within; stamens yellow.

74033Psorospermum febrifugum07 Nov 2015J Timberlake
A Banze
VR Fijamo
JA Massunde
JA Massunde JM146 I Darbyshire K
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia utilis e B. glaucescensFloresta Mahate na zona de chipara em solos franco arenoso440Mozambique1933C1MS563

Arbusto com 50 cm, flores brancas, folhas simples opostas com 1mm de peciolos, caule amarelado

73707Rhipsalis baccifera17 Nov 2015J Timberlake
I Darbyshire
A Banze
VR Fijamo
I Darbyshire 954 I Darbyshire K
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant ColeochloaChimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River.440Mozambique1933C3MS376

Pendulous stems growing from rock crevices, some young stems spiny. Fruits white, fleshy.

74043Tridactyle tridactylites09 Nov 2015J Timberlake
A Banze
VR Fijamo
JA Massunde
JA Massunde JM156 PJ Cribb K
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensisFloresta Mahate na zona de Dombeni no rio Mudzira onde se limita com a zona de Mutonda e Chipara440Mozambique1933C1 MS553

Planta parasita de folhas alongadas paraleninevia alternada, rais carnudas adventicias sobre uma rocha


Flora of Rwanda: Records made by Valdemar Fijamo., retrieved 18 October 2024

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