Records made by Dennys Fanshawe

Records: 7

The following is a list of the records made by Dennys Fanshawe in species name order.

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No   Species   Record date   Recorder(s)   Coll.   Det.   Conf.   Herbaria   Habitat   Location   Loc code(s)   Outing code   Planted code   Country   QDS   Grid ref.   FZ Div   Alt. (m)   Notes   Lat   Long   Loc Acc Code   
80895 Albizia gummifera 27 Oct 1972 DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 11547 RE Gereau MO
Makutus 0 Zambia 1033A4 N 0

9 m. tree on fringe of forest (grows to 3' diameter and 90' high) with visinate leaves and rhomboidal lfts alab. fls white with pink filaments, standing above the foliage.

-10.416667 33.250000 5
81056 Azima tetracantha 14 Nov 1963 DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 8134 Katondwe 0 Zambia C 0

Shrub or scrambler of anthill in savanna woodland; leaves stiff leathery glabrous axillary spines present - old flowers spikes axillary clustered

0.000000 0.000000 0
81057 Azima tetracantha 8 Sep 1964 DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 8892 Feira 0 Zambia 1530C2 C 0

Scrambler from anthill thicket in savanna woodland - stems angular with axill. Spines in fours - leaves thin leath. Flowers in axill. Interrupted spikes, green, in bud

-15.616667 30.416667 5
81058 Azima tetracantha 6 Oct 1964 DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 8948 Katondwe 0 Zambia C 0

Scrambler from savanna thicket - leaves fleshy, axill spines in fours - flowers pale cream sepals, pale green petals in clustered axill. Branched racemes

0.000000 0.000000 0
68976 Kedrostis foetidissima 12 Mar 1973 DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 11-777 SRGH
Kalahari/Munga woodland Sesheke 0 Zambia 1724A4 B 945

Herbaceous, delicate, tendril climber; leaves ovate, cordate, thin; flowers axillary, yellow; fruit globose, red, fleshy.

-17.466800 24.250100 5
68980 Kedrostis foetidissima 14 Mar 1961 DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 6-422 C Jeffrey SRGH
Baikiea woodland on Kalahari sand North of Katundu 0 Zambia 1724B3 S 990

Herbaceous tendril climber; leaves ovate, cordate, thin, denticulate; flowers pale yellow in short axillary racemes; fruit red, globose, hairy

-17.300000 24.650000 5
68989 Kedrostis leloja 4 Dec 1960 DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe 5943 C Jeffrey SRGH
On anthill in dambo edge woodland. Machili (Machile kuta) 0 Zambia 1625C3 S 1025

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 4: 486 (1978).

-16.850000 25.083333 5

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The Rwanda flora team (2025). Flora of Rwanda: Records made by Dennys Fanshawe., retrieved 14 March 2025

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