Records determined by Bryan Orford

Determinations: 2

The following is a list of the records determined by Bryan Orford in species name order.

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No   Species   Record date   Recorder(s)   Coll.   Det.   Conf.   Herbaria   Habitat   Location   Loc code(s)   Outing code   Planted code   Country   QDS   Grid ref.   FZ Div   Alt. (m)   Notes   Lat   Long   Loc Acc Code   
76946Aristolochia albida12 Feb 2017B Orford
B Orford BT Wursten Rocky woodland.Along Maleme River,downstream from Maleme Dam,Matobo National Park.1700Zimbabwe2028D1W1185

A new record for the western division.

67636Hygrophila spiciformis1 Oct 2015J Varden
B Orford KB Vollesen Growing on sand in dried-up river bedChavava River, Mana Pools NP590Zimbabwe1529C4N410

Dense stand of plants with a strong unpleasant scent when crushed; no sap or latex.


Copyright: The Rwanda flora team, 2024-25

The Rwanda flora team (2025). Flora of Rwanda: Records determined by Bryan Orford., retrieved 14 March 2025

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