Rhizome erect. Fronds monomorphic, erect, 1.7-1.9 m long, firm papyrus. Stipe deeply grooved above when dry, ca. 50-60 cm long and 6-7 mm diam. at the base, pale yellow, with sparse scales; scales isotocheous, long lanceolate in outline, dirty chestnut, curved, the base very hardened and with visible persistent tubercles forming after abscission. Lamina bipinnate, broadly lanceolate in outline, ca. 1.2-1.35 x 0.3-0.4 m, yellow-green, ca. 20-jugate; pinnae triangular in outline, inaequilateral, larger than wide, remote, lower ones slightly reduced, maximum 16-18 x 5-7 cm, pinnatisect towards the apex pinnatifid, subopposite, open but the lower ones curved downwards towards the apex; pinnules oblong-triangular in outline, apex rounded, base truncate, open, straight, lower and middle pinnules with clear distance between them, to 8 mm long, separate, but connected to each other by a narrow wing at the bases, the lowest basiscopic proximally noticeably longer, pinnatifid, lobes subrounded, margin set with white, curved hairs; rhachis below, densely and minutely hairy above, glabrous elsewhere, yellow; costae scales very narrow, articulated, hardened at the base and leaving visible tubercles after the abscission; costae, costules and veins with short, straight hairs, as seen glandular, cylindrical or subclavate, truncate to rounded, no long acicular hairs are present, otherwise the underside of the lamina is glabrous. Sori small, between the veins, exindusiate.
Translated from Latin, needs to be checked with specimen! |