Rhizome long-creeping, ± 7 mm in diameter. Fronds monomorphic, spaced ± 5 cm apart, 1–2 m tall. Stipe 35–54 cm long with narrow hairy scales at base. Lamina simply pinnate, the basal 2–3 pairs of pinnae sometimes abruptly reduced and strongly auricled, the lowest only 1–2 cm long, ovate-oblong in outline, 30–60 x 25–34 cm; aerophores white and slightly swollen in living material; pinnae linear-oblong in outline, apex long tapering to a point, base broadly wedge-shaped, margin scalloped, largest 11–24 x 2–5 cm; lobes ovate-oblong in outline, 3–7 x 2.5–5 mm, lower surface of costa etc. shortly hairy; veins in 10–12 pairs with 4–6 pairs anastomosing. Indusia present, hairy. |