Details of record no: 81161
Brachycorythis friesii (Schltr.) Summerh.
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Record details:
| 9 Dec 1993 |
Recorder(s): | DK Harder
Collector(s): | DK Harder
2251 |
Determiner(s): | PJ Cribb
Confirmer(s): | |
Herbarium: | K
Collections on both sides of road in dambo and among rocks on upper slope. |
Mporokoso District; along Mporokoso-Kasama Road, 59.9 km ESE of intersection of Mporokoso-Nsama-Kasama Roads N of Mporokoso. At bridge over Kasanshi River. |
Location code(s):
Outing code:
Planted code: |
Not planted |
Zambia |
Quarter Degree Square:
0930A1 |
Grid reference:
FZ Division:
N |
Altitude (metres):
1470 |
Locally frequent but not widespread herb from rhizome; leaves and bracts green; outer tepals light purple; labellum light purple spotted with deeper spots; upper petals light purple; rostellum darker purple. |
Latitude, Longitude:
Location Accuracy Code:
4 |
Map of species record
Records not available for display
The Rwanda flora team, 2024-25
The Rwanda flora team
Flora of Rwanda: Individual record no: 81161: Brachycorythis friesii., retrieved 14 March 2025
Site software last modified: 9 February 2025 10:00am (GMT +2)
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