Details of record no: 108640

Polyscias fulva (Hiern) Harms

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Record details:

Date: 10 Jun 2008
Recorder(s):JE Burrows
Collector(s):JE Burrows
Determiner(s):JE Burrows
Location: Road up to Tsetserra, second forest patch through which the road passes.
Location code(s):
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Mozambique
Quarter Degree Square: 1932B4
Grid reference:
FZ Division: MS
Altitude (metres): 1300
Notes: Tall tree to 20 m tall, with a clear bole and and umbrella-shaped crown; bark pale grey, smoothish; pioneer in mid-altitude evergreen forest. -x000D- -x000D- Specimen gathered from a fallen branch; crown otherwise completely inaccessible!
Latitude, Longitude:
Location Accuracy Code: 2

Map of species record

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Flora of Rwanda: Individual record no: 108640: Polyscias fulva., retrieved 27 December 2024

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