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Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
105125 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Southwestern Escarpment, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D1 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -10.583800 | 33.716400 | 4 | ||||||
101672 | 0 | 18 Feb 2019 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Sibale | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2715 | P Ballings | BR | Epiphyte on fallen tree in montane evergreen forest | Zovo Chipolo Forest, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D1 | N | 2225 | -10.574780 | 33.708850 | 6 | ||||
101650 | 0 | 14 Feb 2019 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Sibale | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2603 | P Ballings | BR | Disturbed roadside bank in pine plantation | Near Dam 1, Chelinda Camp, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1033D2 | N | 2288 | -10.588470 | 33.811490 | 7 | ||||
104886 | 0 | 1989 | F Dowsett-Lemaire | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Eastern Escarpment, Nyika National Park | 180 | 0 | Malawi | 1034C1 | N | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -10.690100 | 34.017000 | 4 | ||||||
103195 | 0 | 1989 | Forest floor in submontane evergreen forest | Ntchisi Mountain | 213 | 0 | Malawi | 1334A3 | C | 0 | Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. | -13.362420 | 34.015160 | 5 | |||||||
53045 | 0 | 21 Feb 1959 | DS Mitchell | DS Mitchell 481 | SRGH | Shade, mossy bank of stream in valley | Ngomokurira Mt., 20 miles NNE of Salisbury (Harare)in Chindamora Nat. Reserve | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1731C1 | C | 1580 | Occasional | 2 | |||||||
53044 | 0 | 30 Dec 1981 | JE Burrows | JE Burrows 2579A | JE Burrows | SRGH | In rock cracks and bases of boulders in granite, half shade or full shade along stream. | Chinamora Communal Lands, Harare district | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1731C2 | N | 1500 | 2 | |||||||
53042 | 0 | 6 Mar 1969 | WBG Jacobsen | WBG Jacobsen 3763 | SRGH | In open grassland among rocks | Nyanziwa Falls, on S-side, Nyanga district | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B2 | E | 1680 | Tufted ground fern, 35-40 cm tall | 2 | |||||||
53043 | 0 | Feb 1976 | A Nicholas | A Nicholas 494 | SRGH | Mountain forest, growing on side of ravine, especially where it is well shaded. May be found growing in cracks of rocks and at base of trees. | Just East of Inyanga village, Nyanga district | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B2 | E | 1680 | 2 | ||||||||
49032 | 1 | 5 Jan 2013 | MA Hyde BT Wursten M Coates Palgrave P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1863 | P Ballings | BR | Grassy area at top of streambank in full sun among grass and in shade along streambank | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | 155 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B2 | E | 1982 | Creeping rhizome | -18.177100 | 32.819030 | 7 | |||
53038 | 0 | 23 Apr 1953 | NC Chase | NC Chase 4926 | SRGH | In erosion gully on plateau | Four miles above Troutbeck Inn, Inyanga Downs, Nyanga district | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B2 | E | 2130 | Rhizome creeping, fronds up to 18 inches, stipe pinkish at base | 2 | |||||||
52224 | 1 | 13 Feb 2005 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | Rocky grassland | Road to World's view, Troutbeck | 155 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B2 | VQ789914 | E | 2200 | 6 | ||||||||
49408 | 0 | 7 Jan 2013 | MA Hyde BT Wursten M Coates Palgrave P Ballings | P Ballings | Disturbed rocky scrubland | World's view road | 155 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B2 | E | 2245 | -18.151210 | 32.791340 | 7 | ||||||
57285 | 3 | 15 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings T Thomsen F Thomsen | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1987 | P Ballings | BR | At base of rock, in sun, in rocky woodland | Mount Chinaka, Juliasdale | 163 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B3 | E | 1899 | -18.368860 | 32.647110 | 7 | ||||
57730 | 1 | 16 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings T Thomsen F Thomsen | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2007 | P Ballings | BR | At bottom of rocks on sheetrock in rocky woodland, sun to light shade | Mount Chinaka, Juliasdale | 163 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B3 | E | 0 | 2 | ||||||
53040 | 0 | 13 Jan 1951 | NC Chase | NC Chase 3773 | SRGH | At source of stream on mountain East of Nyanziwa Falls | Rhodes Estate, Nyanga district | 54 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 0 | 2 | |||||||
53041 | 0 | 11 Dec 1976 | TM Müller | TM Müller 3343 | SRGH | On forest floor in mixed evergreen forest | SSE shoulder of Inyangani, Nyanga district | 46,54 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | VQ858731 | E | 1950 | 6 | ||||||
53046 | 0 | 1 Apr 1949 | NC Chase | NC Chase 2048 | SRGH | On road on rocks to Mtarazi Falls | Road to Mtarazi Falls, Nyanga district | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 (QDS approximate) | E | 0 | 2 | ||||||||
53039 | 0 | 4 Feb 1952 | NC Chase | NC Chase 4365 | SRGH | In hollow at source of Odzi River | Nyangani, Nyanga district | 46,54 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 1680 | 2 | |||||||
49384 | 0 | 6 Jan 2013 | MA Hyde BT Wursten M Coates Palgrave P Ballings | P Ballings | Among rocks close to waterfall | Nyamuziwa falls, Nyanga N.P. | 54,155 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 1917 | -18.252890 | 32.791280 | 7 | ||||||
53048 | 0 | 27 Dec 1953 | NC Chase | NC Chase 5175 | SRGH | In shelter of rocks, streamside | Sheba Estate, Mutare district | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D4 | E | 1580 | 2 | ||||||||
53047 | 0 | 12 Feb 1950 | NC Chase | NC Chase 2200 | SRGH | In gully away from water | Norseland, Vumba Mts. | 63 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | E | 1620 | 2 |
Total records found: 22
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