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Trees or shrubs with yellow latex. Leaves opposite or sometimes subopposite or whorled; lamina (in ours) opaque. Flowers terminal or axillary, solitary or in few- to many-flowered cymes, dioecious or polygamous. Sepals 4(-5). Petals 4(-5), greenish-white to yellow. Male flowers with 4 fascicles of stamens. Fruit a 1-4-seeded, ± fleshy berry. Seeds arillate. Derivation of name: after Laurent Garcin, 1683-1761, French-born army physician, naturalist and botanist Worldwide: 200 species in tropical Old World, especially Asia and southern Africa Rwanda: 2 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
buchananii Baker | Description, Image | |
volkensii Engl. | Description, Image |
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