Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | > | Albizia |
Trees or shrubs without prickles or spines (except in our area for a very small prickle beneath the node in A. harveyi and some branchlets which may be sharp and spiny at the ends in A. anthelmintica). Leaves 2-pinnate; petiole with a single gland; rhachis eglandular; pinnae opposite or subopposite. Leaflets opposite. Inflorescence of axillary and solitary or fascicled, pedunculate, ± hemispheric "powder-puff" heads (in our area). Flowers bisexual or occasionally male; 1-2 modified central flowers in each head different in form to the others (readily seen here is this image of Albizia adianthifolia). Calyx with 5 teeth or lobes. Corolla gamopetalous with usually 5 lobes. Stamens numerous (19-50) and prominent, with filaments united in a staminal tube. Pod oblong, straight, flat. Seeds usually flat. Derivation of name: Named after Filippo degli Albizzi, an Italian naturalist. Worldwide: 118 species in warm Asia, Africa and America. Rwanda: 1 taxon. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
gummifera (J.F. Gmel.) C.A. Sm. | Description, Image |
Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | > | Albizia |