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Ross, R. (1983) Ericaceae Flora Zambesiaca 7(1)
Small trees. Leaves sub–opposite to alternate, subsessile to petiolate, evergreen, lanceolate to oblong to ovate or obovate. Inflorescence consisting of axillary and terminal racemes. Pedicels short, 1–flowered, subtended by caducous bracts and each bearing a pair of caducous bracteoles. Calyx and corolla actinomorphic and hypogynous. Calyx segments 5, fused below, persistent in fruit. Corolla obconical, lobes 5, small, imbricate, not persistent in fruit. Stamens 10, included, adhering slightly to the corolla at the base and shed with it, filaments geniculate, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores. Ovary superior, 5–celled, ovules few, placentation basal; style 1, persistent until capsule dehisces. Fruit capsule 5–valved, loculicidal, without a central column after dehiscence. Worldwide: Species 1, in tropical Africa, Madagascar and Mascarene Islands. Rwanda: 1 taxon. |
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salicifolia (Comm. ex Lam.) Hook. f. ex Oliv. | Description, Image |
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