Annual or perennial grasses of shady places and forests. Culms weak, trailing. Leaves: lamina lanceolate to ovate. Inflorescence of 1-sided racemes arranged along a central axis, the spikelets in pairs (the lower often reduced). Spikelets laterally flattened, lanceolate; glumes 1/2 to 3/4 length of spikelet, the lower glume or both glumes tipped by a
sticky (scaberulous in O. burmannii) awn; lower lemma acute to shortly awned; upper lemma dorsally flattened, smooth, shiny, coriaceous, with involute margin.
A genus of weakly defined species.
Clayton comments that O. compositus, O hirtellus
and O. undulatifolius differ in appearance and in
geographical distribution, but that variation between them is
quite continuous and intermediates cannot be assigned to a
particular species with certainty. Poecilostachys oplismenoides also resembles an Oplismenus and grows in similar habitats. Worldwide: 7 species in tropical and warm regions Rwanda: 0 taxa. |
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