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Taylor, P. (1988) Lentibulariaceae Flora Zambesiaca 8(3)
Carnivorous herbs, usually occurring in wet places, all with specialised organs (traps) for the capture of small organisms. Stipules 0. Leaves rosulate or scattered on stolons, entire or divided. Inflorescence pedunculate, racemose, bracteate, or solitary, scapose. Bracteoles 2 or 0 or ± connate with the bract, usually at base of pedicels. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic. Calyx 2-4 or 5-partite. Corolla gamopetalous, 2-lipped, usually spurred, usually violet or yellow; tube short; upper lip entire or 2(-more)-lobed; lower lip entire or 2-5-lobed, usually with a raised ± gibbous palate. Stamens 2. Ovary superior, 1-locular, with free-central placentation; carpels 2. Fruit a capsule, 1-many-seeded. Worldwide: 3 genera and 245 species, cosmopolitan. Rwanda: 2 genera and 0 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Genlisea A. St.-Hil. | Description |
Utricularia L. | Description |
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